The E-Learning course developed within the RESILOC Project is a training product that aspires to increase citizens’ engagement in resilience policies at community level. Developed by ISIG (Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia), the course builds upon the experiences of the four RESILOC pilot communities and is based on their lessons learned in the implementation […]
ResiFestGO: Resilience Festival in Gorizia –Building Community Resilience in Gorizia
During the Italian National Week of Civil Protection, the Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia (ISIG) and the Municipality of Gorizia have organised ResiFestGO: Resilience Festival in Gorizia. Stemming from the experience of the RESILOC project, a strong collaboration of various stakeholders was built throughout the territory of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Isonzo area. […]
RESILOC Trial results: the cases of Tetovo and Dve Mogili in Bulgaria
“Resilience for All”. This is the motto that has been guiding RESILOC efforts in Bulgaria. This motto has also become part of the understanding of two Bulgarian communities – that of the village of Tetovo (RESILOC trial community) and the town of Dve Mogili (early adopter community). Throughout RESILOC, the two communities followed a very […]
A story from Catania,
The second largest city on the Sicilian island has many distinct features and landmarks to it. One of the most prominent one is that the city is located at the food of a 3357m high volcano that is very much alive: Mt. Etna. You would be surprised, however, that the local population would not add […]
DESILOC and DRS-01 present Recommendations to 140 Civil Protection Experts in Brussels (CPF22)
An attempt to phrase the baseline of thoughts, expressed in the session on “Increasing citizens risk awareness in the face of new risks”, could easily lead to the concept of “change, trust and adaption”. These interrelated factors became prevalent as the different speakers described a changing landscape of risks to which citizen’s behaviour may successfully […]
ECRP22: RESILOC is getting a notch closer to the link between adaptive behaviour and community resilience
From 13t o 14 June 2022 the Projects RESILOC and RiskPACC were hosting the 3rd European Conference on Risk Perception, Behaviour, Management and Response (ECRP22) in Berlin. During this occasion dedicated experts from the Risk-SoS Group and the Horizon 2020 affiliated DRS 01 Research Cluster came together to discuss research results and engage in workshops […]
RESILOC presents its solution at the UNDRR Global Platform 2022 in Bali.
Beyond its EU focus, the RESILOC project has a natural link to the United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) by successfully responding to the European Commission’s call for research and innovative actions on solutions to create a resilient society in Europe in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. During its study phase, […]
All trials are active
The RESILOC solution is now trailed in all four partner communities. Following Catania (IT), Gorizia (IT) and Tetovo (BG) the fourth trial was now kicked off through the Municipality of West Achaia(GR). All trials are currently in phase one which includes the pre-trial training, data collection and a dry-run of the system using a synthetic […]
Local Resilience Teams as platforms for engagement of citizens building community resilience – The experience of Gorizia
Gorizia is an Italian town located in the north-eastern Region of Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia), at the border with Slovenia, with a population of 34.000 intensely engaged in cross-border cooperation and focused on building community resilience. The Municipality of Gorizia can also be framed in a wider perspective; it is part of a cross-border area […]
RESILOC and the DRS01 Cluster push the need to connect Citizens/Communities to the Sendai FA during the EFDRR21
The Horizon 2020 DRS01 Cluster represented by projects RESILOC, BUILDERS, LINKS and Engage contributed to the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) 2021 held on the 24th November in Matosinhos, Portugal; holding a joint multi-stakeholder oriented session for the acceleration of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, with a […]